Style and Content
All scripts are written in Courier, and set to font size 12. The font and font size are set to professional standard, as a type of guide line, for all scripts in many different types of media to follow. This is shown in all of my example scripts.
Scripts have character descriptions to show the workers how to specifically preform there job. Without the script, the workers in all aspects of media work, from the actors in a film, the lighting crew in a T.V show and to the presenters in a radio show, wouldn't know what is needed of them by directors and cinematographers.
Computer game scripts include a flowchart because it gives the game the option to let us as a player, make a decision, as we play it. E.G Heavy Rain, The Last Of Us
A presenters script will be laid out differently compared to a characters script. A presenter will have to scripts, a running order of the show and there own personal script for there part, compared to a characters script who will have an overall running order sheet that is similar to what everyones given on the production team.
Games feature an synopsis as a part of the gameplay because it gives a brief description of whats happening in the game, like the story/narrative. This also may happen a synopsis or a snippet of information is key to the games storyline, like in a game slightly based on real historical events like the Call Of Duty franchise.
Screenplays have stage locations compared to any other film/T.V production scripts that have location directions. They work as an action in any other script apart from giving directions for the actors on stage in a play production and at a location in any other type of film media.
Sound effects will be presented on a script beside an action usually given to an actor. simply to show the actor in more detail how preform his or her selected lines more successfully. This is because if a scene is building up to a fight, the actor will see the sound effect (Slap, thump ect) and know how to preform more precisely than without the effect.
Mode of address is how you express the level of writing you use. Peer to peer is informal chat between friends, teacher to student is formal chat with educational conversations and parent to child is informal chat with the topics of conversations being more opinionated and advised based.
Common Narrative structures in screenplays/Monomyth
Narrative Structure
Single stranded: Its told from a single persons perspective. A character. One characters perspective E.G a video game. Escapism (Denis McQuail 1972)
Multi-stranded: Its told from several characters perspective E.G Film, Radio drama, computer games. Lots of cross cutting from different stories, happening at the same time.
Linear: Most stories have a beginning, middle and end, as we've come to expect from all types of media such as books and films. E.G Film, Stereotypes the genre of the product, for example, if its an action film, in the middle, they will be action, which will create an enigma, which also creates suspense and edgy moments as we come to expect them.. (Roland Barthes, Todorov 1977)
Start: character building
Middle: genre
End: climax
non-linear: Doesn't follow convections of a linear broadcast. Who, What, When, Where and Why. E.G Film, Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects.
The Pulp Fiction script is a fictional crime drama type of documentation, so the slang, tone and dialogue involved is all scripted and rehearsed for the film itself. This is generally the same for all fictional picture films, although some film screenplays allow improvised dialogue and scenes from the actors on random occasions. The radio drama show is also fictional and is based on fictional events, stories, scenes and dialogue created by the script writer. The TV News Broadcast is of course based on non-fictional events happening internationally to inform audiences at home the current stories involving both recent and historical affairs and local and world wide announcements, depending on which news broadcaster you listen too. The video game script is also fictional to appeal to someone at home playing as the character.
Fiction: means that his has made up. Fabricated narrative.
None Fiction: means that it is been based on real events.
Target Audience
The pulp fiction script is specifically aimed towards and older audience (18+) due to its mature nature, extreme violence and stereotypically, the type genre the film is (Crime, Black comedy) The script will be targeted more towards a male audience, rather than a female one, due to its subject matter as a crime drama, even though the film has received widespread popularity, critical acclaim and general fame through both genders who are interested in film as a product. The spending power of who the film is aimed at varies between working class upwards but will be generally targeted at all audiences from C2D to ABC1 spending power.
The television news broadcast script will be aimed at adults both male and female (especially the script I've chosen to look at as it explores gambling themes) wanting to know the current events and stories occurring worldwide and locally. Younger audiences also watch the News, but depending on the age, there is more specific and targeted news programs for a younger audience like News Round (CBBC) and 60 second news (BBC3) The audience targeted by the news script will be generally be working class to middle class citizens and a both as these are generally the households for families who are able to tune into the News, ranging from C2D to BC1 spending powers.
Radio Dramas tend to be a lot less popular with much younger generations, decreasing in popularity, due to the mass media like T.V, radio and magazines and ever increasing technology like laptops, phones and other devices. However these dramas are still often listened to by older audiences around the ages of 50 and above. The male to female ratio for this audience tends to be quite balanced, depending on what radio drama script it is, as obviously one aimed at a female is going to relate to a female audience more and vide versa for a male one. The spending power for radio dramas will most likely be working class of C2D households.
The video game script will be aimed at typically a young and young adult audience, also depending on the age certification and Pegi rating of the games content. The gender will depend on the content and audience range of the game. The game I've chosen to look at seems to be some kind of cut scene or a part of the gameplay from the game, due to the communication between the two characters, that indicates a cut in the gameplay that involves communication between the players, like a cut scene. A video game script will be generally aimed anywhere towards a working class to upper class household who own any type of game console.
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